Data on Canadian GDP Q2 2019 Released

Sep 5, 2019 | Economic News and Forecasts

Statistics Canada released data for the second quarter gross domestic product August 30. Seasonally adjusted at annual rates and in 2012 dollars, the economy showed a surprising growth rate of 3.7%, helped by a 13.4% annualized increase in exports. For comparison, the US economy showed only a 2% growth in the same period. Business investment (non-residential structures, machinery and equipment) was down by an annualized 16.2% in the quarter, driven by a decline in machinery and equipment investment and engineering construction; investment in non-residential structures continued to grow, but the pace slowed compared to the first quarter. The growth rate for consumer spending slowed to an annualized 0.5% for the quarter, compared to 0.7% for the first quarter, in spite of a 1.7% annualized growth in employment income. A full analysis is available on the Stats Can website.

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