DHI Canada Honours Our “Women In Construction” - Isabelle Renaud
Feb 23, 2023 | Industry NewsIsabelle Renaud
Current Role
I am CEO of Renaud Agencies and Vice President of DHI’s Quebec Chapter.
Number of years in the industry
I have been in the industry and with Renaud Agencies for 25 years. I have also been involved with the Quebec Chapter for about 18 years as Secretary, President and Vice-President. But everything began when I was a child and my father, Robert Renaud, was working for a Quebec architectural hardware manufacturer – Mont-Hard. My father founded Renaud Agencies in 1990. We were formerly a manufacturers agent but we slowly transitioned to a stocking rep. Since then, we opened Division MH and became an importer/wholesaler.
Involvement with DHI Canada/Chapter
I took AH1, AH2, AH3 and EH1 at the beginning of my career, after which I participated in the translation of AH1 to AH4 while being Secretary of the Quebec Chapter. Since them, I have been part of different executive boards for the chapter as Secretary, President and currently Vice-President. I have always tried to share my experience with the next generation and I always mentor our people so they’re prepared for the opportunities ahead.
How has your involvement with DHI Canada supported your development?
To begin with, I have acquired important knowledge that has and continues to help me in my present job. Also, I appreciate the opportunity of meeting people in our industry and of creating bonds that often lead to friendships. My involvement with DHI has kept me motivated and connected throughout my career and continues to do so. I'm driven by people following their dreams and building their career, always supported by DHI's education ????
What do you like best about the industry?
It's an industry that never stops changing and advancing and where anybody can find his or her place and can build a good career for a good life. This industry provides opportunities for anyone and has great opportunities for women who are in or are entering the industry.
Fun Fact
It's always a pleasure meeting people out of their office, such as at golf tournaments or ConNextions...partying together is always bringing relationships to another level ????
What have been your biggest challenges?
Acquiring credibility and respect as a woman in a man's industry was a challenge but the biggest challenge was to continue making the business prosper while raising my child alone and facing a couple of health problems that required surgeries. When you are a business owner, there is nobody that can take your charge on their shoulders for you when you need to recover. I'm the kind of person who always loves to face new challenges and this one was far from being easy, but I'm proud of the way I got through and was able to overcome these difficult challenges! I always continue to look ahead with perseverance and courage!
From the beginning of my career, I saw more and more women taking part in the industry, but we should never stop encouraging and supporting each other if we want our presence to continue growing.
Now I'm taking Renaud Agencies into the 21st century. A new website will be launched soon. Stay tuned! (www.renaudagencies.ca / www.agencesrenaud.ca). But in the meantime you can follow us on Linkedin and Facebook.