Chapter Leadership Handbook


Download the Chapter Leadership Handbook here.

Chapter Meeting Minutes

To view the archive of minutes and other important documents submitted by chapters, click here.

Chapter Webinars

Chapter Education

Chapter E-Mail Broadcast Template

To use the Chapter Broadcast templates, please do one of the following:

Method 1 Method 2
  1. Click on one of the links below
  2. Once the template has loaded, select "Select All" from the "Edit" menu (or Crtl + A)
  3. Select "Copy" from the "Edit" menu (or Crtl + C)
  4. Open a blank new message in your E-Mail Program
  5. Place your cursor in the message window, and select "Paste" from the "Edit" menu (or Crtl + V)
  6. Modify, the body text, enter your recipients, enter a subject line, and send off your broadcast.
  7. Always do a test to yourself first
  1. Using Internet Explorer, click on one of the links below
  2. From the "File" menu, select "Send" "Page by E-Mail"
  3. The template will open in Outlook
  4. Modify, the body text, enter your recipients, enter a subject line, and send off your broadcast.
  5. Always do a test to yourself first
