Chapter Leadership Handbook
Download the Chapter Leadership Handbook here.
Chapter Meeting Minutes
To view the archive of minutes and other important documents submitted by chapters, click here.
Chapter Webinars
- To view the chapter presidents' conference call (PDF format) from March 20, 2015, click here.
- To view the PowerPoint presentation (PDF format) from the March 21, 2014 Chapter webinar, click here.
Chapter Education
Chapter E-Mail Broadcast Template
To use the Chapter Broadcast templates, please do one of the following:
Method 1 |
Method 2 |
- Click on one of the links below
- Once the template has loaded, select "Select All" from the "Edit" menu (or Crtl + A)
- Select "Copy" from the "Edit" menu (or Crtl + C)
- Open a blank new message in your E-Mail Program
- Place your cursor in the message window, and select "Paste" from the "Edit" menu (or Crtl + V)
- Modify, the body text, enter your recipients, enter a subject line, and send off your broadcast.
- Always do a test to yourself first
- Using Internet Explorer, click on one of the links below
- From the "File" menu, select "Send" "Page by E-Mail"
- The template will open in Outlook
- Modify, the body text, enter your recipients, enter a subject line, and send off your broadcast.
- Always do a test to yourself first